function OptanonWrapper() { window.dataLayer.push( { event: 'OneTrustGroupsUpdated'} )}6 Ways to Celebrate Spring in Pismo Beach
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加州全年阳光明媚,但春天在中央海岸提供了额外的魔力. As the days grow longer and brighter, 海水变暖,五彩缤纷的野花开始在山间和海岸峭壁上绽放. 

Pismo Beach makes an excellent perch to experience it all. Not only does the San Luis Obispo County town offer 26 miles of dunes-lined coastline, 但它提供了一个方便和负担得起的发射台,让你领略中部海岸的许多魅力. 附近的许多景点都是很短的车程: Hearst Castle (one hour), San Luis Obispo (20 minutes) and Paso Robles (45分钟),以及隐藏的宝石小镇,如 Morro Bay (30 minutes) and Arroyo Grande (10 minutes). And it’s all interspersed with the best of Central Coast wine country

Visit Pismo Beach 在6月中旬之前,你可以享受当地的节日,还可以享受一年中最优惠的酒店价格, 伴随着安静的氛围,会让你感觉像一个当地人. 这里有六种绝妙的方法来计划一次春季度假:


1. See the wildflowers

Not only are the hills and valleys of San Luis Obispo County green this time of year, 它们还带有加州罂粟(州花)的色彩。, mustard evening primrose, and blue lupines. 步行或骑自行车在900英亩的土地上观赏它们 Pismo Preserve这里有10英里长的小径和牧场公路,两旁是橡树林地和海景. 这个保护区也是各种小生物的家园, 从太平洋树蛙到加利福尼亚蝾螈再到橡子啄木鸟. Better yet, entrance is free.

For more wildflowers, 向内陆行驶约90分钟,到达卡里佐平原国家纪念碑,那里以罂粟闻名, brittlebush, bluebells, and more—and Shell Creek Road, southeast of Paso Robles. Or drive up the coast to see the blooms at Montaña de Oro State Park (尤其是位于洛斯奥索斯的Point Buchon Trail).

2. Explore the "Wines & Waves” scene

有时候,享受春天新鲜空气的最好方法就是坐在外面喝杯咖啡 local wine. Pismo Beach is part of the San Luis Obispo AVA这是中部海岸最新的美国葡萄种植区,从皮斯莫海滩一直延伸到 San Simeon and out to the Santa Lucia Mountains. 任何时候都是啜饮和细细品味的好时机 SLO Coast Wine Classic (4月6日至7日)通过研讨会庆祝SLO海岸AVA, tastings, 以及在附近的千山牧场举行的酿酒师晚宴.

适合休闲的葡萄酒爱好者和研究的鉴赏家计划旅行, SLO AVA葡萄酒提供了许多全球细微差别,比如圣路易斯奥比斯波的葡萄酒 Claiborne and Churchill, whose wines are inspired by Alsace, or Saucelito Canyon, 他们的仙粉黛是用源自克罗地亚的葡萄酿制的. Edna Valley 法国以勃艮第葡萄酒而闻名,其黑皮诺葡萄酒(Pinot Noirs)就证明了这一点 Kynsi Winery and the Chardonnays of Tolosa Winery帕索罗伯斯的许多酿酒师都是这个协会的成员,这是有原因的 Rhone Rangers.

皮斯莫海滩也是探索更多当地葡萄酒产区的好地方,比如 Avila Valley and Arroyo Grande,距皮斯莫海滩均在30分钟车程内. 再往前走一点,你也可以品尝到一路上的味道 Santa Maria Valley and Santa Rita Hills

Pismo Beach, California in Spring

3. Extend your spring break at the beaches

The consistent rolling waves off Pismo Beach 是划皮划艇或sup的理想之选,而码头附近的大浪非常适合冲浪. Get the lay of both land and sea at Pismo Pier, 以适合自拍的座头鲸雕塑和七英尺长的字母拼写“皮斯莫海滩”为标志.” Stroll the boardwalk, 在airstream的小贩那里买些零食,选择你喜欢的海滩娱乐方式:这个有救生员的地方是一个很好的地方 taking a surfing lesson or paddling the coves and caves off Shell Beach. During low tides, Shell Beach is a tide pool wonderland, teeming with snails, sea anemones, and urchins. Families will also love the neighboring Dinosaur Caves Park这是一个占地11英亩的悬崖顶绿地,设有一个恐龙主题游乐区.

For more seaside fun, consider horseback riding on the sand, taking guided hike到沙丘内和周围的古丘马什遗址,或者 golfing 18 holes at nearby courses such as Pismo Beach Golf Course or Cypress Ridge

Taste of Pismo, Pismo Beach, California

4. Dine and party like a local

皮斯莫海滩一直以蛤蜊浓汤而闻名, 但舒适的食物只是该地区以农场为动力的烹饪吸引力的开始. Get a nice overview at the Taste of Pismo (April 20), 这是一个在恐龙洞公园举办的21人以上的活动,在那里你可以品尝当地的葡萄酒, beers, and spirits paired with dishes from local chefs. 嘉宾们甚至可以投票选出各种“最佳”奖项. 想要了解更多附近的节日,将文化与美食结合在一起,请前往 San Luis Obispo International Film Festival (April 25–May 5) and the Shabang arts and music festival (May 3–4).

当你在皮斯莫海滩的时候,看看最新的美食磁铁. Enjoy authentic Mexican food and fish tacos from T’s Red Tacos and El Pizmo Fish Co., or pick up a beach-friendly lunch from The Break or Burgers and More, both near the sand. For a leisurely sit-down meal, head to Vista Steak House and Seafood, 那里的早午餐菜单包括蟹饼蛋本尼迪克特和龙虾煎蛋卷, while dinner offers surf and turf, delicate sanddabs, and big ocean views. 奖励:在皮斯莫海滩的任何一家海滨餐厅, 你很有可能看到远处的鲸鱼.

 5. Celebrate Earth Day through good stewardship

地球日(4月22日)提醒bbin游戏官网所有人,bbin游戏官网在保护环境方面发挥着至关重要的作用, and Pismo Beach’s stewardship program offers helpful tips on living up to that goal. 例如,如今享受当地蛤蜊的最好方法就是帮助它们茁壮成长:学习 how to identify a Pismo clam and also how to rebury one safely on the beach. 也利用其他有用的信息,比如指南 bringing your dog to Pismo Beach,儿童友好的填色单,以及小抄单 local marine birds and monarch butterflies.

6. Make the most of the season’s low rates

在春季旅行可以让你避开夏季的拥挤人群和相应的旺季酒店价格. 皮斯莫海滩有多种住宿选择, including oceanfront resorts, boutique hotels, and RV parks, and most offer seasonal deals. Start your trip planning on Pismo Beach’s lodging specials 页面:点击酒店名称旁边的“特价”按钮,看看如何提高你的旅行体验. 你会发现折扣和额外津贴——比如轻松的10%或20%的折扣, daily breakfast, or a complimentary local beer at check-in.

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