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Stop to smell the roses—and see orchids, poppies, and weird cacti—at these horticultural hot spots

无论你是一个业余植物学家, 后院园丁, 或者只是一个好奇的孩子, you should make a beeline to California’s incredibly diverse botanic 花园. These protected oases are often peaceful retreats—and a great way to chill out on a go-go-go vacation. 一些花园是个人激情的迷人之处, like the underground lair hand-dug by Sicilian immigrant Baldassare Forestiere, or a railroad magnate’s collection of international 花园 near 洛杉矶. 在您的行程中添加一个或多个bbin游戏官网最喜爱的绿色宝石, 从北到南列在这里, 谁知道你回家后会受到什么启发——或者成长.



这个郁郁葱葱的保护区有多种多年生植物, 树, 灌木丛——包括许多土著人——展示了展示 奇诺县植物多样性. It’s also a great spot for birding (some 150 species frequent the property), 所以带上双筒望远镜来近距离观察. 如果你和孩子一起旅行,买一个 鹌鹑步道指南 at the park entrance so the kids can learn about park resident Quincy the Quail and follow his hints for finding 17 quail markers along the stroller-friendly paths. Master 花园ers and other experts teach assorted workshops here throughout the year; check the 日历 of 事件s to see what may be on offer. 在寒假期间, come see the 花园 sparkle during the Festival of Lights (late November to mid-December). (更多: 门多西诺海岸植物园)


这片34英亩的土地被高耸的(和本地的)海岸红杉遮蔽 研究园及博物馆 in the Berkeley Hills lets you follow winding paths to see naturalistic landscapes that feature more than 13,000种植物, 包括稀有和濒危植物. 一定要去茱莉亚·摩根大厅看看, 一个乡村, wood-sided structure laboriously moved to the site from its original location on campus, 以它的建筑师命名. 现在俯瞰花园的加利福尼亚本土植物收藏, the simple cottage-like building is polar opposite to Morgan’s best-known and arguably most lavish project: 赫斯特城堡 沿中部海岸. (更多: 加州大学伯克利分校植物园)



As pretty as a wedding cake, the Victorian bit of finery that is the 旧金山花卉学院 提供了一个远离喧嚣的宁静的避难所 这个城市 几代人. 游客可以在几个充满异国植物的房间里漫步, 参加一个讲解员带领的旅行, 或者只是坐下来感受一下超凡脱俗的氛围. From November through early January, the 音乐学院 hosts its annual 晚上开 事件, during which light and sound with transform the setting into a radiant jungle with immersive and interactive experiences around every corner. (旧金山花卉学院)


在中央山谷的表层之下, 惊人的地下隧道网络, 钱伯斯, 和石窟蜿蜒约10英亩的城市 夫勒斯诺市 背心上面. 这 森林地下花园, created from 1906 to 1946, is the handiwork of Sicilian immigrant Baldassare Forestiere. 没有阴郁的荒芜洞穴, the hand-chiseled underground complex includes an underground fishing pond and a chapel; there are even open-air skylights so an underground 花园 and fruit 树 could grow. 在导游的带领下看到结果, you can’t help but be moved by the seemingly Herculean achievement of this humble Sicilian immigrant.

Know before you go: 森林地下花园 is closed late December through early March, 以及每周二. 检查花园的 旅行日程表 有关详细信息,. (更多: 森林地下花园)


这个吸引人的 花园,位于多山的东侧 圣芭芭拉分校,专注于该州多样的本土植物. 但在这里,你不只是看,你也看. 日历上满是导游的散步, 观鸟活动, 书签约, 讲座, 还有绘画和摄影工作坊. Kids love the chance to see and learn about an authentic 日本 tea ceremony at the tea house and explore the verdant, 庞大的理由. 超过5英里的小路环绕着这处占地78英亩的房产, and it’s a fabulous place to take in vistas of the handsome Santa Ynez Mountains to the north and east, 以及 海峡群岛被太平洋蓝包围. (更多: 圣巴巴拉植物园)



散布在附近的一个历史街区 帕萨迪纳市亨廷顿图书馆,艺术收藏, & 植物园 wrap you in a global palette of sweet-smelling flowers, lush bowers, and elegant art. 住房的 艺术画廊 is railroad magnate Henry Huntington’s 1911 Beaux Arts mansion; outside, 这座占地120英亩的庄园里住着超过15只宠物,000种植物品种, 发现了十几种独特的 花园. 漫步玫瑰花园, 例如, 看1,400种不同品种, 或中国花园, 还有它的湖, 石桥, 和瀑布. 不要错过6.5英亩的弗朗西斯和西德尼布罗迪加利福尼亚花园, 50人之家,000种金州原生植物和干燥气候植物. (更多: 亨廷顿)


Explore California—or at least its plants—with a visit to this expansive site in 克莱蒙特这里曾是Rancho Santa Ana植物园. The largest botanic 花园 focusing solely on the Golden State’s native plants, the 加州植物园它的田园魅力是不可否认的, but it also functions as an important research and educational facility—and a terrific place for inspiration if you want to add California natives to your 花园. 您可以自己探索,也可以乘坐有导游的电车游览. 大约一小时后, you’ll learn about plant communities from the California coast to the state’s southeastern border in the 莫哈韦沙漠. 查看日历,为初学者提供免费的观鸟活动, 春天的野花漫步(通常是周末), 三月底至五月初). (更多: 加州植物园)


Thriving on land that once served as the site of an orange grove, the 富勒顿Aboretum, on the north end of the Cal State Fullerton campus, is the largest botanical 花园 in 奥兰治县. 如果你感觉更有活力, 考虑参加有导游的自然之旅, 或参观1894年的遗产屋, a tidy Victorian-era cottage open on weekends and staffed by docents dressed in period attire. 否则, 简单地漫步在4个以上,000种植物, 看鸭子在花园的池塘和溪流里游来游去. 不要错过与林地有关的收藏品, 沙漠, 和地中海植物种类, 以及大面积的种植花园, 新果园, 还有新的野花区. (更多: 富勒顿植物园)



经过85年的酝酿 卡尔斯巴德牧场的花田 trace their beginnings to a father-and-son team of horticulturalists who dedicated themselves to the cultivation of the ranunculus flower. Whenever they spotted a notable specimen—whether because of a particularly full blossom or an out of the ordinary shade—the seed would be saved and planted the next year. 今天, you can take in the stunning results of this painstaking process by simply walking the endless rows of color, 或者跳上一辆拖拉机拉的马车,以获得更灵活的视角. 其他活动,如早晨瑜伽, 摄影工作室, 和品酒会点缀着花田 日历. Though it’s open year-round, peak season for the ranunuclus is late March through early May.


位于市中心以北25英里处 圣地亚哥 在时尚的沿海社区 由29个主题花园拼凑而成 圣地亚哥植物园 适合所有年龄的人. Four miles of trails traverse 37 acres and a remarkable range of microclimates, 加上一个8,000平方英尺 音乐学院是美国最大的 竹花园俯瞰波光粼粼的太平洋,还有更多.

小游客喜欢互动 汉密尔顿儿童花园, 所有年龄段的人都能闻到这种香味, 从薰衣草到鸡蛋花, 还有在房子里散步的声音. 二十多个不同的景观, such as the South Africa Garden or the Mediterranean-inspired Olive Tree Garden, 为人类和生物提供灵感和喘息的机会. 对家庭友好的建议:一定要让孩子们在花园里玩耍。 寻宝游戏. (更多: 圣地亚哥植物园)


Paired with nearly wild, natural landscapes, these highly cultivated 花园 in 洛杉矶县 are a must-visit for those seeking an escape from the buzz of everyday urban life.  占地超过150英亩, 这个植物园提供了令人印象深刻的植物群, 展示季节的花朵, 古橡树林, 还有令人惊叹的山茶花收藏, 哪些是亚洲以外世界上最大的. 游客可以探索各种主题花园, including a 日本 Garden complete with a koi pond and teahouse, 芬芳的玫瑰园, 以及互动儿童花园, 使它成为家庭出游的理想之选. 摄影和观鸟吸引了许多游客, 还有教育项目和季节性活动, 就像冬日里迷人的灯光秀, 增添了花园的魅力.



