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Great U-Pick Farms in California

Great U-Pick Farms in California


Strawberries, apples, pluots, oranges abound at California farms—especially for anyone willing to pick their own. 金州附近的许多家庭农场都提供u-pick机会,你可以从藤蔓上摘下自己的浆果,然后浏览果酱, 焙烤食品, or ciders in the farm store. 这是 all-ages family fun它还能让你亲眼看到加州令人难以置信的农业社区, 哪个国家生产了全国三分之一以上的蔬菜和三分之二的水果和坚果.


每个农场的流程各不相同:有时,运营商会给你一个预付的桶,你可以填满, or you use a bag or basket and then pay by the weight. 一些农场还提供干草迷宫、马车之旅或制作果酱的工作坊来充实这一天.

请记住,许多u型采摘农场种植各种各样的作物,而且有些年份, harvest time for a specific crop may come a little early, 晚些时候, or sometimes not at all. 查看农场的网站或他们的社交媒体页面,了解你参观时什么会成熟的最新信息. 也, 检查一下你是否需要提前预定你的位置,这样你就有足够的空间(和水果)给自己.

Wear a hat and comfy shoes, then plan your own harvest outing at one of these farms, listed by season.


高峰月: February–June
Combine berry and veggie picking and a wagon ride in 欧文, 这个农场的u-pick安排包括在农场周围骑行吗, with stops to pick a seasonal veggie—including zucchini, 羽衣甘蓝, or onions—as well as a bucket of strawberries. 奥兰治县的农场通常还提供夏末的甜瓜之旅和秋天的南瓜园.

卡尔斯巴德 Strawberry Company,卡尔斯巴德

高峰月: February-7月
采摘你自己的草莓,然后在这里走向日葵迷宫 卡尔斯巴德 farm that’s just a few blocks from LEGOLAND California. 的 San Diego County farm is also close to the Flower Fields at 卡尔斯巴德 Ranch这里的毛茛花从三月开到五月.

Kenny’s Strawberry Farm, Fallbrook

高峰月: March-7月
他们在东部这片适合家庭居住的田地里种植着香甜、饱满的草莓 San Diego County. 秋天带来了南瓜园的乐趣,包括乘坐拖拉机和参观宠物动物园.

Temecula Berry Company,泰梅库拉

高峰月: 5月- 6月
Inland Empire town may be mostly known for its 酿酒 grapes, but this 家庭农场 is all about the blueberries. 买一个小的, 媒介, or large container, then fill it to your heart’s content, with only one rule: no eating in the field.


高峰月: May-7月
Pick from five varieties of sweet cherries—Bing, 雷尼尔山, 早期Burlat, 布鲁克斯, Tulare—at this orchard located about an hour north of 洛杉矶 off State Route 14. While you’re there, pick up a jar of the farm’s raw honey.

Riverdance Farms,利文斯顿

高峰月: May-7月
Come during the summer to this 中央山谷 农场位于莫德斯托以南约25英里处,种植蓝莓, 黑莓, elderberries; check its 脸谱网页面 for specific dates. 的 farm also holds regular events, such as the U-Pick and Gather Weekend around Memorial Day, which features camping and live music.

Mountain Brook Ranch,克洛维斯

高峰月: May-September
Check the website for this 克洛维斯 去农场看看什么可以采摘:夏初的樱桃,夏末的boysenberries和杏. Come in early fall for strawberries and pomegranates.

Swanton Berry Farm达文波特,

高峰月: May-September
Harvest your own organic strawberries at this farm in Santa Cruz County. Depending on the season, 你也可以采摘olallieberries或其他一些农场特有的水果, including tayberries and loganberries. 或者开门见山地享用它自制的果酱和酥饼. 附近 除去, Gizdich牧场 夏季有草莓、大黄莓和boysenberries,九月份有苹果. Live Earth Farm’s u-pick calendar 提供多种选择,包括南瓜和波布拉诺辣椒.

Sunshine’s Farm Stand,弗雷斯诺

This 家庭农场 in 夫勒斯诺市 specializes in Asian vegetables, available at their farm stand, but you can also pick strawberries from May to 7月. Or pick your own pumpkin in September and October.


高峰月: May-November
索诺玛县 是富有的 摘选项, 但你不会选错又甜又稀有的格拉文斯坦苹果, 它几乎只生长在这一地区,8月份最成熟. 这个太阳能农场也采用了非洲土著农业的做法,以帮助保护当地的生态系统,在夏秋两季提供大量其他农产品, including ​plums and pluots in 7月; various apples throughout fall; and persimmons and pineapple guava in November.


Deepen your berry expertise at this 莱克县 农场种植了三种不同的覆盆子和两种黑莓——都是无刺的.

朱利安农场 & 果园,朱利安

高峰月: June-October
San Diego County 的小镇 朱利安 它以苹果派而闻名,但如果你想从最基本的开始, pick your own apples during September at a variety of local farms, such as Peacefield 果园, Crosscut Farm and 果园, Apples and Art 果园s.

朱利安农场 & 果园提供了几乎全年的选择:草莓, 树莓, 黑莓 throughout June, 7月, August; sunflowers and flowers in 7月 and August; apples in September; and 南瓜 in September and October.

Amber Oaks Berry Farm,奥本

高峰月: June-November
在这个农场里采摘黑莓、boysenberries、西红柿和猕猴桃 奥本从六月到整个秋天,成熟的作物都在变化. In November, come for pre-picked bags of 普莱瑟县’s famous mandarin oranges.

苹果山, El Dorado County

高峰月: June-November
捡苹果, 南瓜, 焙烤食品, 这里有50多个农场和牧场种植薰衣草 El Dorado County. Summer means blueberry-picking season at Rainbow 果园s, lavender-picking at Bluestone Meadow, anything from 黑莓 to tomatoes at 24胡萝卜农场.

在初秋采摘苹果,选择从农场包括 丹佛丹的, Sloan Winters Mountain 果园 & 花园, Windmiller Farm.


高峰月: 7月-March
Something is in season nearly year-round at this 孤峰县 家庭农场. 从七月到九月,来品尝樱桃、桃子、李子和油桃吧. Look for 17 varieties of apples—including Pink Lady, 富士, 联欢晚会, heirloom—from September through March. 检查它的 脸谱网 page to learn what’s in season.

苹果山 Ranch,主教

高峰月: August–November
在这个农场采摘桃子、亚洲梨和加拉苹果 主教. 检查它的 脸谱网页面 还有苹果酒派对的新闻,当你可以在自己的罐子里装满苹果酒 阴阳县 farm’s seasonal juice.

Andreotti Family Farms半月湾

个月:峰值 September–October
This 家庭农场 in San Mateo County 它成立于1926年,早期主要种植洋蓟,但现在种植各种冬季蔬菜和向日葵. 在秋天, pick flowers and browse the gourds (like Wolf, 豪顿, or Sugar Pie 南瓜), or walk the corn maze. 查看农场的网站,了解周末采摘、从农场到餐桌的午餐或其他特殊活动.

慢溪农场, San Luis Obispo

高峰月: September–November
Take your basket to San Luis Obispo County’s 慢溪农场 从9月到11月,你可以在40英亩的有机苹果地里采摘苹果, as well as u-pick carrots and 南瓜. 之后喝点农场出产的烈性苹果酒或苹果白兰地来庆祝. For an even longer season, head to nearby Gopher Glen Organic Apple 果园在7月至12月期间,该公司提供112种有机苹果品种供采摘.

Sunset Ridge Fine Fruits,纽卡斯尔

高峰月: November–February
From November to January, the 普莱瑟县 foothills 是容易剥皮的“拉链水果”萨摩柑的温床.“工作人员会给你一个水桶和如何采摘的技巧(如果你有剪刀,带一些)。”.

To fully celebrate the fruit, head to the nearby Gold Country Fairgrounds the weekend before Thanksgiving for the Mountain Mandarin Festival 以现场音乐、工艺品和许多橘子为主题的美食为特色. 1月和2月再来日落岭采摘脐橙和探戈柑.

Underwood Family Farms, 文图拉县

Berries are just the beginning at this duo of 文图拉县 附近的农场 . 使用一个篮子或甚至一辆拉车从当前选择的作物中挑选:At somi, that means tangerines and 黑莓; in Moorpark, expect to find fava beans, sunflowers, summer squash. 来 文图拉县 in autumn to tour up to 20 farms during the annual 文图拉县 Farm Day.

更多的 Farming Adventures

参观u-pick农场是一个有趣的方式来欣赏广阔的范围 California‘s agricultural offerings. 想要更多地体验加州的农业社区,可以考虑这些 农场之旅, 农场停留, don’t-miss farmers’ markets,和 California Heartland road trip.

California Winery

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